Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Learning Learning Differences

     Dr. Joyce Pickering, Executive Director Emeritus of the Shelton School in Dallas, Texas — the nation's largest private school for learning-different students — is someone you want to learn more about.  Having heard her in two different presentations this past week at the American Montessori Society Conference in San Diego, CA, I recommend you bring her to your school/area (Montessori and non-Montessori) to talk to your faculty and families. Here are the two sessions I heard:

What is a Learning Difference and How Does it Feel was very similar to Dr. Richard Lavoie’s “F.A.T City” video.  You can never really know how a child who has a learning difficulty feels until you experience either the DVD or Dr. Pickering’s talk.  Here is a link to the slides.

Science & Art: A Montessori Approach to Teaching Students with Varied Learning was her keynote address on traditional philosophies compared to the Montessori philosophy.  Dr. Pickering's eloquent and passionate presentation helped those assembled see the genius of Dr. Montessori’s approach. Here is a link to the slides.

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