Friday, June 26, 2020

Stories For Children . . . and Parents

Reading to children has always been a treat for me. During the pandemic, I have not been able to be with them in their classrooms, so I read to my iPhone and passed the links on to the teachers and parents. Here are the links to most of my video reads. Hope they can help you.

Fish Story (5:05) (Ages 3 - 7)
Boffo The Great Motorcycle Race  (3:38) (Ages 3 - 7)
The Lion Roared (8:08) (Ages 6 and up)
Cinderella (10:17) (Ages 4 – 7)
Socks for Supper (4:43) (Ages 3 – 7)
Miss Nelson is Missing (6:07) (Ages 4 – 7)
DUDE (5:07) (Ages 3 – 7)