Thursday, April 2, 2009

Deborah Roffman on Human Sexuality

This evening parents and teachers had the pleasure of spending an evening with nationally renowned Deborah Roffman.  She has the perfect balance of perspective, love, and good parenting sense and has a wonderful way of sharing her many years of knowledge and experience.  She is a must-speaker for your parents and teachers.  You won't be sorry.

"If 30 years of experience in this field has taught me one thing, it is that when talking with our children about sex, we need to make sure that we educate rather than dictate and that our approach is based on scientific evidence. Only then can we hope to arm young people against the escalating social and cultural pressures they face."

You might want to check out both of her books: Sex and Sensibility and but how'd I get in there in the first place?

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