One excerpt that provides simple, excellent advice;
"Much more useful are the factors we can influence and that matter a great deal for late-life wellness. There are seven big predictors of being Happy-Well that we can control pretty directly;
1. Smoking. Simple: don't smoke—or at least, quit early.
2. Drinking. Alcohol abuse is one of the most obvious factors in the Grant Study leading to Sad-Sick and putting Happy-Well out of reach.
3. Healthy body weight. Avoid obesity.
4. Exercise.
5. Adaptive coping style. That means confronting problems directly, appraising them honestly, and dealing with them directly without excessive rumination, unhealthy emotional reactions, or avoidance behavior.
6. Education. More education leads to a more active mind later on, and that means a longer, happier life.
7. Stable, long-term relationships." (pages. 116-117)