Friday, November 20, 2020

Dedicated to Doing What is Best for Others

The book group I am a part of read Reading With Patrick by Michelle Kuo, and we could not believe the devotion and dedication the author demonstrated throughout the book. How she and Patrick endured the crass racism and inhumanity is difficult to believe. To give you a quick overview on the setting of the story and how some things just do not change in life, read this article from the November 15  NYTimes "No One Should Have to Live Like This" by Catherine Flowers.

You can get to know the author better by watching her TEDx Talk . . .

Friday, November 6, 2020

Supporting Staff Morale in Our Schools

In a recent National Association of Independent Schools NAIS Bulletin (Oct. 14), an often overlooked essential practice was highlighted; it is especially important during times of stress and crisis in our schools. No matter what school you are leading—public, independent, charter, special education, virtual, daycare—do check out this graphic to see what actions can be taken to support staff morale during the pandemic.