Saturday, August 31, 2019

Humor in Our Work as Educators and Leaders

Humor used in the right way is essential in our schools. Be it in the classroom, at a faculty/board/parent meeting, humor can make all the difference in the world in building trust, friendship, and getting a message across.

A must read: “Leadership Lessons: Why Laughing Matters in Leadership” Independent School, Spring 2019 by Olaf Jorgenson and Duncan Lyon. There are so many great quotes and points made throughout the article. Without getting soaking wet, here are a few to whet your curiosity. : )

“The writer Russell Baker notes, ‘When hoping to bag a piece of humor with your net, nothing seems funny. The thing works the other way around. Humor is funny when it sneaks up on you and takes you by surprise.’ ” 

"Further, “if you are able to land a joke in a professional setting, your colleagues are more likely to view you as competent and attribute higher status to you,” according to “Humor is Serious Business,” a July 2017 Stanford Business Journal article by Joel Stein.”

“Research suggests that after age 23, Americans tend to laugh much less and begin to perceive themselves as less funny. To some extent, we all struggle with our 'humor IQ.' How can school leaders move the needle on their humor skill set?”  (Click to the article to read more.)


Here is the most viewed TED Talk ever. If you have not viewed it, it is a must to see; if you have viewed it, watch it again. It is inspiring, wise, and Sir Ken Robinson uses humor in so many great ways to get his points across.

Friday, August 16, 2019

First Grader Blues

My granddaughter introduced me to a short video where talk-show host Conan O'Brien works with a group of Chicago first graders on learning about the blues. Just sit back and enjoy this wonderful kid-friendly video . . .

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Most Important People - Update

From NYTimes 6/29/19
"The Most Important People" is an Independent School magazine article I wrote back in 2001 when I was a teacher.

Twelve years later, I followed up with an article "Still the Most Important People."

I bring these two articles to your attention because of the recent powerful piece I read by law professor Lara Bazelon in the Opinion Section of the NYTimes: "I Picked My Job Over My Kids" feeling that having you read it and my previous articles might lend some perspective and help with you your kids.