Friday, December 23, 2016

Holiday Cheer for Children and Adults

Recently, a friend sent me the note below and this three-minute video. I watched it five times before stopping. When you watch it, you won't wonder why it has nearly 40M views to date.

     Here's something to brighten your holiday season. Turn the volume up.
     This looks like a normal grocery store, but when the lights go out? Awesome! It took a team of cashiers, 13 different hidden cameras, and a whole lot of holiday spirit to pull off this epic holiday surprise!
     Edeka, Germany's largest supermarket chain, decided to surprise its shoppers with a seasonal treat. In an attempt to liven up the otherwise boring chore of grocery shopping, these cashiers opted to delight their patient shoppers with a choreographed orchestra that beeped the holiday classic, "Jingle Bells."

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Joy . . . and Surprises of Reading to Children

Over a decade ago, I was enjoying one of my favorite activities—reading to children—when I was unexpectedly interrupted by one child. Here, see for yourself . . .