Friday, October 28, 2016

The Energy Bus

Whether you are a student, teacher, or parent we all need to be positive for each other AND ourselves. The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon is an easy read with lots of good advice. For example, here are five ways school leaders can care for their teachers and staff:

  1. Make time for them
  2. Listen to them
  3. Recognize them
  4. Serve them
  5. Bring out the best in them

And, you know, the best part of this approach is that students see and hear this behavior, and they will want to model the same when they get into leadership positions.

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Case For Good Governance

For me, the most important committee on a nonprofit board is the governance committee — the committee that was was once known as the nominating committee or the committee on trustees.

It is the governance committee that is charged with taking care of a nonprofit board. There is lots more to tell you and it can be found in an article I wrote that was just published in Independent School magazine — "The Case For a Good Governance Committee."

See what you think.