Friday, June 26, 2015

Q & A With Sir Ken Robinson

I have always been a big fan of Sir Ken Robinson ever since I saw him speak in Radio City Music Hall at an NAIS Annual Conference and at an American Montessori Annual Conference and reading his books The Element and Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative.

Read this excellent Education Week article, "Q&A With Sir Ken Robinson." It opens with

"Robinson, who gave the most-watched TED Talk in history (with more than 33 million views), seeks to answer this question in his latest book, Creative Schools (Viking Penguin), in which he shares many examples of schools that break away from the current education model into a more personalized approach to learning."

Friday, June 19, 2015

Money magazine's online article “Free SAT Prep Now Has the Official Stamp of Approval” by Kaitlin Mulhere unveils a once unimaginable idea — SAT free test prep.

“Two non-profit organizations have teamed up to create a free online SAT practice program. Can it compete with powerhouse for-profit test prep companies? The Official SAT Practice, an interactive online platform, is the result of a partnership between online education company Khan Academy and the College Board, which manages the SAT.”

Friday, June 12, 2015

50 Best Books for Summer

Check out this great article, "50 Best Books for Summer" from Scholastic Instructor. It gives a nice selection of books for kids ages PreK through 8th grade, AND you can download a neat pdf of the list.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Middle School Trip to Baltimore - Revisited

If you scroll back to my May 8 post, "A Middle School Trip to Baltimore?" You will learn about an eighth grade class that planned to go to Baltimore for their annual field trip.

Well, they went and their teacher Launa Schweizer wrote a follow-up article "Hard Lessons in Baltimore" in The Atlantic magazine. Please read her article. It is beautifully written and will take you along on the trip, using the students' experiences. I read it twice.