Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Book Thief

Every time I read a recommended young adult or middle reader book, I inevitably say, "That's the best one I have read yet." Well, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is no different. It is so good. The history alone makes it an exceptional read, and after reading it, I could not help but think of it as an opposite of Anne Frank's story.

A true testament is that it has been on the NYTimes Book Review Young Adult Bestseller list for the past 58 weeks.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Meet Sam Berns

I was first introduced to progeria when I read Harold Kushner's bestselling book When Bad Things Happen to Good People. He encountered progeria when he discovered that his three-year old son Aaron had progeria and would rapidly age and die by the age of 14.

In a recent Sunday Boston Globe, I read about Sam Berns who had progeria and passed away at the age of 17 two weeks ago Friday. This video will introduce you to Sam and his parents who are both doctors devoted to finding a cure for this dreaded genetic birth disease. To learn more about progeria go to The Progeria Research Foundation website.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Technology on the Loose

I am at an American Montessori Society (AMS) Heads' Retreat, listening to Catherine Steiner-Adair, author of The Big Disconnect, and I had to publish this post as soon as I could. After reading her book and now hearing her speak, I have to tell parents and teachers about her crucial message. She looks at various developmental stages of children from toddlers through high school and how they interact with technology. BUT, the most important message is for parents and how they are modeling the use of technology. PLEASE READ THIS BOOK.

Here is a brief link to a YouTube video message from Catherine.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Noogies, Wedgies, Wet Willies?

Is it possible for squirrels to be victimized by noogies, wedgies, and wet willies? Well, if you read about Muffins, Little Old Lady Hu's huge cat, you will see how Mr. Fookwire manages the cat, neighbors, and squirrels.

A great read for children AND adults—Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Salinger and His Book

I have always loved J. D. Salinger's most popular book. Published by Little, Brown and Company in 1951, The Catcher in the Rye reached the bestseller list within two weeks, remained on the list for more than six months, and has sold more than 60 million copies. Also, did you know that "at one time or another it has been both the most banned book in America and the most assigned." To learn more about the origins of the book and Salinger, click over to listen to  The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor.