Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Children Understood

Upon arriving home from grocery shopping, I remained in my car riveted to this NPR story. The best part was when the Bishop said, “But I was most impressed with the children. The children definitely were very eager to want to reach out and try to help me in some way.”

“A Mormon Bishop in Taylorsville, Utah, went to great lengths last Sunday to teach his congregation a lesson. David Musselman disguised himself as a homeless person and walked around outside before the service. Then, in character, he walked up to the pulpit and asked to deliver remarks. He tells Ari Shapiro what happened next.”

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Head of School Notes Revisited

Because so many people have asked me about this post that originally appeared on September 7, 2010, I am posting it again.

Over my career as a head of school, I have enjoyed reflecting on the job and writing about my impressions on being a head of school.  I wrote articles for The Head's Letter and The Trustee's Letter, which are monthly publications for heads and trustees of independent schools.  Here is a library of those articles.  You can click on the article link to read the full article.

"Education Voucher System" (June 1994) - While offering opportunities, pursuing vouchers should be handled with care.  
"Effective Heads of School" (March 1995) - Klingenstein Fellows list their thoughts on qualities of effective heads.
"The Head Outside of the School" (November 1996) - The head's job often goes beyond her/his own school community.
"Head 'n Hand" (March 1998) - The best part of the job, greeting students, teachers, and parents each morning.
"Words Work" (October 2000) - Hearing a sermon on giving up summer time to helping others can inspire.
"Choices, Changes, Transitions" (February 2003) - Insights about moving on to the next opportunity.
"A Turn in the Barrel" (April 2004) - At some point every head is on the firing line.
"Transference Revisited" (December 2004) - A look into the mysteries of transference as presented by Dr. Ned Hallowell.
"A Head of Eeeshmail" (October 2005) - The challenges and nuances of using email can be daunting to school leaders.
 "Learning and Living Leadership" (January 2007) - Heads at an annual conference sharing their thoughts on leadership.
"Taking Care of Employees" (April 2007) - When trying to balance budgets, we cannot lose sight of taking care of faculty and staff.
"Whose Decision Is It?" (December 2007) - Board or head's decision?  Written with my Board Chair.
"When is it Time to Leave?" (January 2010) - Is there a perfect time when heads should leave their school?
"30% . . . Really?" (May/June 2010) - 30% of a head's time should be devoted to caring for the board?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Moral Courage Project

I recently heard Irshad Manji, the Founder and Director of the Moral Courage Project. Learn more for yourself, your students, and your children. Start by clicking over to Moral Courage TV. The topic and videos would make for excellent faculty and staff professional development sessions.

To learn more about Irshad, her work, and thinking, check out her latest book Allah, Liberty and Love: The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Inspiration From a Ten-Year Old

Last Sunday I watched "60 Minutes" and a compelling piece on the "reinvented" Metropolitan Opera, but what really caught my eyes and ears was listening to the opera singers perform. Well, you can imagine my amazement and pleasure when I watched this YouTube clip.