Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Montessori & Digital Learning

As I was exploring TeachThought, an education blog, I discovered the post "The Similarities Between Montessori And Digital Learning." When you read it, you can explore further what is behind the points mentioned:

  1. Individual Learning Progressions & Competency-Based Learning
  2. Elimination of Age and Grade Restrictions
  3. Formative Assessments & Short Feedback Loops
  4. Non-traditional Teacher Roles
  5. A Global Citizen Perspective

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Read and Listen to What the Child is Saying

The word "listen" has the same letters as the word "silent." 

I have come to realize how important it is for us as parents and educators to listen to our children. The latest article I wrote for my Public School Montessorian column is "Read and Listen to What the Child is Saying." 

 Here is a brief excerpt from the article, which is a quote from Dr. Montessori, "The child's plea is 'Help me do it myself.'"

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Take Care of Yourself

I spent the past three days at an Experienced Teachers Institute with 45 of the best teachers talking about career sustainability, leadership, and caring for students, schools, and ourselves. I loved hearing one of my teaching colleagues (check out his blog 21apples) talk about Tony Schwartz, the CEO of The Energy Project and author of Be Excellent at Anything.

I wasn't surprised when I sat down this morning to read in the NYTimes  Schwartz's article "Relax! You'll Be More Productive" and reinforce how important it is for teachers—actually, everyone—to sleep well and pace oneself throughout the course of a school day. Do yourself a favor and read the article.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Cost of Attendance

In Mark J. Mitchell’s excellent article an earlier issue of Independent School magazine, “Funding the Total Cost of Attendance,” eloquently describes the real cost of a non-public school education. Here is a direct quote from the article:

“Imagine this: You’re in the car dealership and you’re ready to buy. You've done your homework, you've talked to the salesperson, and you're ready to ink the deal. Then, when you are about to hand over your $25,000, you are told that it's another $500 for delivery and prep; another $1,500 for taxes, titles, and tags; $150 for those floor mats; and so on. Next thing you know, your $25,000 isn't going to cut it. Wouldn't you prefer to know the whole price up front? Not just, ‘How much does the car cost?’ but ‘How much am I going to pay for everything?’
Now imagine that the $25,000 is not for a car but for tuition — and that the $1,500 is for books and lab fees, $150 for joining a club, and so on. So, the $25,000 ‘tuition price,’ quickly can become a $27,500 (or more) ‘cost of attendance.’ While some may feel the “price,” is worth it, the true “cost” of a year may pose a different consideration of the value proposition.”

Friday, February 1, 2013

7th Grader's Accomplishments List

This past weekend, the Middle School students were asked to make a list of their accomplishments from the last 6 weeks. 

Here is Anoni’s list...
  • Staying more focused in class.
  • Standing up for myself when I get bullied.
  • Holding more doors for people and asking how can I help.
  • Staying on top of my homework.
  • Not getting in as many fights with the boys.
  • Cleaning up for myself after classes.
  • Memorizing lines in Shakespeare.
  • Getting better at basketball.
  • Getting along with my friends.
  • Doing my homework over the weekend.
  • Getting better at cooking in cooking class.
  • Being good at advisory lunches.
  • Getting better at giving pizza to the little kids on pizza day.
  • Getting along with the little kids.
  • Always visiting upper elementary to say hi to teachers and kids.
  • Coming into school on time.
  • Staying on top of my weekly reports and 6-week reflections.